We partner with TREES (a 501 (c)(3) non profit) to help struggling farmers across Africa restore their land, community and most importantly... hope. Hope that their children can go to school. Hope that feeding their family will not be a struggle. Hope for a more prosperous future.
We partner with TREES (a 501 (c)(3) non profit) to help struggling farmers across Africa restore their land, community and most importantly... hope. Hope that their children can go to school. Hope that feeding their family will not be a struggle. Hope for a more prosperous future.
We partner with TREES (a 501 (c)(3) non profit) to help struggling farmers across Africa restore their land, community and most importantly... hope. Hope that their children can go to school. Hope that feeding their family will not be a struggle. Hope for a more prosperous future.
Sengalian Farmer Participating in TREES Program
Sengalian Farmer Participating in TREES Program
Sengalian Farmer Participating in TREES Program
Our farmers receive seeds, tools, and training to plant forest gardens. Forest gardens are farms planted on once barren land that heavily utilizes trees and other sustainable farming practices to protect crops, restore land, produce fruits, and wood for shelter.
These farmers receive seeds, tools, and training to plant forest gardens. Forest gardens are farms planted on once barren land that heavily utilizes trees and other sustainable farming practices to protect crops, restore land, produce fruits, and wood for shelter.
These farmers receive seeds, tools, and training to plant forest gardens. Forest gardens are farms planted on once barren land that heavily utilizes trees and other sustainable farming practices to protect crops, restore land, produce fruits, and wood for shelter.
Every 100 games purchased provides enough tree seeds for an entire family. Trees produce various fruits along with protecting other crops from the harsh climate.
The additional income provides new clothes and financial security. It provides their children with opportunities they never had, like going to school.
Every 100 games purchased provides enough tree seeds for an entire family. Trees produce various fruits along with protecting other crops from the harsh climate.
The additional income provides new clothes and financial security. It provides their children with opportunities they never had, like going to school.
The average family is food secure within 12 months of planting their forest gardens.
Every 100 games purchased provides enough tree seeds for an entire family. Trees produce various fruits along with protecting other crops from the harsh climate.
The average farmer increases their income over 400%.
The additional income provides new clothes and financial security. It provides their children with opportunities they never had, like going to school.
Every game comes with a certificate for the tree planted by your purchase. Because of your purchase we are able to provide farmers in impoverished countries with seeds, tools & training to plant trees and make a massive impact on their communities.
Every game comes with a certificate for the tree planted by your purchase. Because of your purchase we are able to provide farmers in impoverished countries with seeds, tools & training to plant trees and make a massive impact on their communities.
Every game comes with a certificate for the tree planted by your purchase. Because of your purchase we are able to provide farmers in impoverished countries with seeds, tools & training to plant trees and make a massive impact on their communities.
If you don't have a blast playing these games your heart is probably made of stone.
But that's ok because we accept all returns within 60 days with free return shipping.
If you don't have a blast playing these games your heart is probably made of stone. But that's ok because we accept all returns within 60 days with free return shipping.
Seriously. No Questions. No Asterisks.
“ I think this is nicer than anything I had ever seen in person. Came with a card saying they replant and support the growth of new trees. Even cooler! So happy I bought this!”
- Shelly R.
“Grandkids are teenagers. What to get? The family are tree conservators - so they loved the idea a tree was planted in honor of the present. They loved it!! YAY!"
- Lynda T.
"Got it for Father’s Day and we’ve really enjoyed it. It’s a great family game, and a fun way to pass the time. Thanks Splinter WoodWorking Co. for all you do in supporting farmers and planting trees 🤙🏽 Stay cool!"
- Sal L.
"It’s made well and the fact that they plant a tree for every sale helped make my decision. I have now ordered the Yardzee game from the same company because they’ll plant a tree and it’s great quality!”
- Lori J.
You smile. They smile. #everybodywins